Saturday, 27 July 2013

50 Shades of Green

So, I figured: with all these new clans I'm doing, why not go for some different skin tones, as well? I like the way I currently do Ork skin, it looks decent, is easy and, most importantly, its quick, but I decided to change it up for some of the other clans. All these skin tones are made by just mixing another colour to the normal greens I use. (The quality of painting on these models is below even my usually low standards, because they are only test models. Please bear this in mind.
The Goffs I see as the black orcs of space orks. I wanted them to look a whole lot darker and even more menacing than the other clans. I added brown to the green skin colour, and I really like the effect. These guys have the added benefit of being very quick to paint. After doing the skin, and the teeth and bone areas (and some areas of brown cloth), the armour is just a single highlight of Mithril Silver over the black basecoat.

Blood Axes
I wanted to give my Blood Axes a mostly grey city-fight-esque colour scheme, and to match I added a bit of grey to their skin tone. Orks are naturally adaptable in their muscle mass and physique, so I gathered their skin tone may well change depending on their surroundings, another genetic coding built into the race to make them better at what they do.

My take on the Snakebite clan. I've wanted to do a snow themed army for ages now, but I've never got around to doing it. I always preferred giving my armies cohesion with my desert and city themed boards, but I went against that for this army. Their skin was achieved by simply adding Ice Blue to the normal green colours, and I think it adds to their sun-depraved look.

For the time being I'm slowly working my way through my old ork models. I have over 3.5k points of orks from my previous freebooters army, ready to have their paint stripped and having a re-do. The Goff scheme above was very quick, so there will be a lot of Goffs in my collection before long.

1 comment:

  1. very interesting take and I particularly like the frostbites!
