Friday 20 June 2014


So I've had a box of grots sitting around for ages, but I've never really written them into any of my armies, and so they've just been collecting dust. I decided to add them to my Frostbites army; the army will be predominantly hordey, so grots would fit right in. I bolstered their numbers up to 29 with a box of Fantasy Goblins. They don't have slavers at the moment as I will paint them alongside my next batch of Boyz to make things quicker and easier.

Thursday 12 June 2014

WIP - Frostbites

Warboss 'Savage' Stinka Razin'
Some work in progress shots of my Warboss. I've never really used greenstuff for extensive projects such as this, so in doing this army I'm also working on improving my sculpting abilities. Some things are a little rough around the edges, but it will be cleaned up as things go on.

Stinka is a large and very rotund Ork; he loves his food... all those furs had to come from somewhere, and the Warboss gets the lion's share of the meat, so to speak. He carries a (very) 'uge choppa, and the pipe-bomb-like item in his left hand will be the hilt of another choppa.

Kargor's Red Tusks
Da Red Tusks are a mob of Boarboyz led by Boss Kargor, a Speed Freek in the making... he's even strapped some rockets to the back of his steed to get stuck in faster (though they're not visible here). These guys will be used as warbikers, minus the dakkaguns (I might try to convince my opponent to let me shave 5pts off each model for friendly games, that'll get me a few extra grots).

Friday 14 March 2014

First batch of Frostbites

Gog's Mob

The first batch of boyz. The squad is officially legal in game terms now, so that's a good thing, but the squad will expand of course. Taking the pics I noticed a few mistakes, which I'll have to idy up, but on the whole they're done (aside from the varnish, which I'll do tomorrow). I'll also get some Blood for the Blood God paint and splatter their weapons with gore.

Buznik Brainbursta

The Frostbites weirdboy, Buznik Brainbursta. Mostly finished, but the snake on his staff is one of those awkward parts I don't know how I want to paint it, so it'll probably get left in its current state, regardless of how bland it looks.

Thursday 6 March 2014

Its cold out 'ere

So I bit the bullet and made a start on my Frostbites army. Here's a few WIPs so far...
(I apologise for the poor quality of the photos; I recently got a new camera (my brother's old one), and I'm still not familiar with it yet.)

Gog's Mob

Here are 5 boyz from Gog's mob, there are 13 in total at the moment, with plans to expand naturally. They are simple slugga boyz, and Gog the nob has a (very) Big Choppa, which was taken from the Savage Orc Big Boss. This is almost my first time trying anything major with Green Stuff, so go easy on it :P.

But what happened to the rest of the Big Boss model...

Buznik Brainbursta

... I used him as a base for my Weirdboy. What feral Ork army is complete without a crazy psykerpath (see what I did there?) in tow. I recently tried him out in a game, and although his efforts were ultimately futile, it was insane to see him zip a huge mob of boyz across the battlefield in the blink of an eye. This guy should prove to be serious fun in the future...