Thursday, 6 March 2014

Its cold out 'ere

So I bit the bullet and made a start on my Frostbites army. Here's a few WIPs so far...
(I apologise for the poor quality of the photos; I recently got a new camera (my brother's old one), and I'm still not familiar with it yet.)

Gog's Mob

Here are 5 boyz from Gog's mob, there are 13 in total at the moment, with plans to expand naturally. They are simple slugga boyz, and Gog the nob has a (very) Big Choppa, which was taken from the Savage Orc Big Boss. This is almost my first time trying anything major with Green Stuff, so go easy on it :P.

But what happened to the rest of the Big Boss model...

Buznik Brainbursta

... I used him as a base for my Weirdboy. What feral Ork army is complete without a crazy psykerpath (see what I did there?) in tow. I recently tried him out in a game, and although his efforts were ultimately futile, it was insane to see him zip a huge mob of boyz across the battlefield in the blink of an eye. This guy should prove to be serious fun in the future...

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