All it takes is 1 loose nut for everything to fall apart. Zzodzog's dreams of creating an all-powerful weapon have brought wreck and ruin to the homeworld of Da Big Teef. This is no bad thing, though, as orks love to fight, and this invasion may just prove to be the biggest and bestest fight the Big Teef ever had.
Here is Zzodzog himself. Pretty standard fare. He's not really up to par in terms of painting quality. My quality has taken a nosedive lately, due to lack of practice and also lack of patience. While I still enjoy the hobby, my painting habits have very much traded quality for speed, and its really starting to show. But, in light of this, I've not yet varnished all of these models, so I will come back to them after my friend's visit and finish them up proppa!
Skruffa and his Entourage
Here is my painboy Skruffa Orkfixa. He's the one who has worked the most with Zzodzog in creating all of the meganobz in their little warband. Zzodzog makes the suits, and Skruffa wires them in an presses 'Go'.
Some of you may remember those other models. I was a-rummaging through my bitz box one day when I happened upon them, and started to reminisce about my old ork army. I just had to fix these guys up and re-paint them. They will fill some varied roles, such as extra painboyz, mekboyz, orderlies or oilers if I take any, or as mission objectives in some scenarios at a later date.
Azragg is the leader of the Meganobz. They are actually part of a warband belonging to Zagablud (see below), but their suits were created by Zzodzog and Skruffa. For this squad, I wanted to rebuild and repaint my old Meganobz from my previous army. I had this plan on the backburna for a long time, and it just so happened GW released the new plastic ones at the same time, so it had to be done. Mixing up all the parts, kustomizin' and konvertin' away, I found I had 7 of the nasty buggers. Right now I have 4 with shoota/skorcha kombi-weapons, and 3 with twin-killsaws. Front and centre is Azragg himself. I also have 3 other meganobz on my shelf I painted up some years ago as Bad Moonz, and now I'm more tempted than ever to repaint them as Big Teef and have a full 10-ork unit of meganob killiness.
Upstart Gitz
Although Gorzag Irontoof is the Supreme Warlord of Da Big Teef, he's not without a bunch of lesser warbosses who lead smaller warbands. Here are 2 of these upstart gitz. Though not tested in battle yet, they soon will be, and may well prove themselves in the running for future Supreme Warlord.
To the left is Zagablud Toofgrinda. Zagablud was the warboss of my first ever ork army, and here he's been resurrected as a Big Teef warboss, with a brand new model and everything! I actually really like the lop-sided look this warboss has.
And here is the second, and somewhat less impressive, upstart git by the name of Gitkilla, and his pet squig, Chompy.
Both of these warbosses I wanted to create as a way of trying different loadouts on my leaders. I already have Warlord Gorzag, and despite being the unluckiest warboss who ever bossed, he's always been the one to lead my army. But now I can always swap him out for these cheaper options if I feel like a change.
And that about does it for my ork army for now. When this campaign gets in gear I'll try these new models out and see how they do on the battlefield, something that's always fun and interesting.
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