Saturday, 29 August 2015


(Or Da Attempted Norwich Nuttin')

So a few weeks ago I got an invite from some friends to stay with them in Norwich for a few days of wargaming goodness, in between trips exploring the city. In the end we got 2 games in, 1 was amazing, 1 not so amazing, but in all I had a right blast.
And there's no better reason than that to get some modelling and painting finished. In the few weeks leading up to my visit, I got in some solid building and painting, finishing off half-built/painted projects, and even adding some brand new ones. I actually ended up with a finished force, something I don't think I've ever truly had. And it feels good.

Added Speed
Normally I run a full foot-slogger list, but after some Mad Max inspiration and dreams of Gorkamorka (not literal dreams, that would be weird), I ended up forking out for some extra trukks and bikes. I also converted some buggies. But they sat around on my shelf collecting dust. Well, now was the perfect time to finish things off. Ditching 50% of my boyz in favour of more wheelz helped with transportation, both in-game and in real life, which is partly the reason I went for Speed Freeks.

Here is the full 1500pts army in all its glory. I estimate I only had about a 3rd of this army complete before I started work, so I had a lot to build and paint. In the 2-3 weeks prior to my trip, I painted no less than 2 trukks, 3 buggies, 5 warbikes, 3 'ard boyz, a weirdboy and my shoota boyz nob from scratch, as well as finishing the painting on everything else, which were all in varying stages of completeness. May not sound like a lot to some, but I'm an extremely slow painter.

Close Ups
Ready for sum stompin'! But not much else...
Gorzag Irontoof - Ah, Gorzag. The doomed Warlord of Da Big Teef. He's got enthusiasm by the bucketload, but all the combat prowess of a wet sponge. He tries, bless him, but always fails to deliver, and always meets a sticky end at some point during the battle (usually as soon as the enemy catch a whiff of his somewhat fragrant presence).

Ready for sum brainburstin'!

Buznik Brainbursta - Weirdboy, and the most recent addition to Waaagh Gorzag. Though he's only been in 2 battles, he's already proven his worth far more than Gorzag ever has. In fact, he's probably overdue a swift choppa to the jaw for getting too big for his nonexistent boots.

Ready for sum nuttin'!

Gorik's Nut'eads - My 'ard Boyz mob, and bodyguard to Gorzag. Most bosses hang round with a Nobz mob to form a really killy unit, but I didn't want to put all my squigs in 1 basket, so he joins the 'ard boyz instead.
The squad is quite cheap, but 'ard enough to make a good dent in something (or someone).

Ready for sum broozin'!
Da Brooza Bruvverz - Its clobberin' time. My Nobz mob are rock 'ard, and never fail to leave a mark... usually. In their 2nd Norwich Nuttin' outing their boss lost a challenge to a pesky Chaos Sorcerer and fled, only to get cut down. 280pts of green beefcake dead in 1 turn to an oomie psyker... Despite Gorzag's run of bad luck, he's never run afoul of something that embarrassing.

Dreg's Speek Freeks - slugga boyz
Da Petrol'eads - slugga boyz

Vroom, vroooom - dakka, dakka, dakka!

Zog's Wild Riderz - Warbikers mob. A useful mob for harrying the foe, or drawing fire from enemy guns. The mob is big enough to take some casualties while still having enough guns, tires and choppy bits to kill, kill, kill!

Vroooooooom - fwoosh-KABOOM!

Da Jalopies - These guys make a perfect wildcard. I've always liked buggies, but never brought them due to their exponentially poor performances, but one new rule to their arsenal bumped them back up to near-must haves: Outflank. Their ability to outflank and pour rokkits into the rear armour of vehicles is very useful.


Dakka's 'ome Guard - They do what they say on the proverbial tin. In all honesty, I took these guys because I ran out of fast stuff. I almost took a dreadnought instead, but thought these guys would be more useful to both bolster my numbers a lot, and also claim objectives that happen to sit in my deployment zone.

Razzik's Stormsterz - Ah, the trusty Stormboyz. They always fail, and yet somehow I still love them. Is there anything cooler than a green-skinned maniacal brawler blasting across the battlefield with a rocket strapped to his back? I think the answer is a resounding "no"!

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