Monday, 22 July 2013

Look at me Flash, boss!

Flash Gitz
Now that I've started adding new clans to collection, I figured it was the perfect time to add some of the more characterful units to my army. Flash Gitz are synonymous with the Bad Moons clan, so it was natural I would get some eventually. I've never used them before: I hear they're not too good, but who cares about that? I can see them being fun.
I was thumbing through a bunch of old White Dwarfs a few months back (that sounded so wrong), and I stumbled upon an article by ork legend Adrian Wood, and how he converted a bunch of Bad Moon nobz armed entirely with Big Shootas (it was possible back then). This was the inspiration I needed, and set about a box of 4 spare plastic nobz. The 5th one is in my other squad below.
I modified their guns quite extensively, added a bunch of tekky gubbinz, blades and other such stuff. I'm not a big fan of the whole pirate thing people go for with their Flash Gitz, so I opted for something more traditionally orky. (Also, I've not finished painting their ammo runts, yet.)
You'll also notice there are only 4 of them, currently illegal, but I have a painboy sitting idle on my desk, so he's going to be painted up and added to the squad, eventually.

Trukk Boyz
And alongside the Bad Moons I'm working on a small Evil Sunz army. My 'main' made up clan, da Big Teef, use orange for their clan colour, so having yellow- and red-wearing boyz made some sort of sense. These guys do not have their trukk yet, but they will get one, of course.

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