The Fist of Lazarus
Lazarus is the Champion of my first unit of Troops. He named his unit after the Power Fist he wears. The unit is a typical unit of Chaos Marines; 10-strong, with 2 meltaguns and Lazarus of course, who also bears the unit's Icon of Chaos Glory to summon a bunch of daemonic goodness should he need to.
You'll probably notice I've not highlighted the gold areas, yet. I'll finish that off when I grab some paint from GW next week.
After a game against my friend's Imperial Guard, my Chaos Marines got absolutely annihilated; it wasn't even close; owing in no small part to my complete inability to make any armour saves! But anyway, that game forced me to mount all my Chaos Marine units in Rhinos.
Please excuse the thick, gloppy-looking paint in some areas; leftovers from the previous 2 paint attempts which I failed to clean up properly.
Also, the red looks a lot brighter on the tank for some reason.
And, this is my first attempt at free-hand work; its only a basic 'text' effect, but I think it looks ok. I also added tiny little Chaos Stars, like the red one on the flesh hanging on the exhaust.
The Soulrakers
What's a Word Bearers army without a host of daemons in tow? The new Allies rules are great, and I intend to make full use of them. The Soulrakers are my Daemonettes. There are 8 in the unit, as you can see, and the one with the big, flappy hair has Transfixing Gaze. The unit is so small because I initially wanted 500pts of daemons, and I wanted to include a Soul Grinder, which ate up a fair chunk of that.
Future Plans
I have a bunch of Chaos stuff left over from my previous forays into Chaos. Back in those days we were a bit more lax when it came to points values, so I have a ton of Chaos Marines left. However, in my 'main' cohesive force, I have a second unit of basic Marines, some Noise Marines, Raptors, Vindicator, 3 Obliterators and of course, a Dark Apostle. My daemonic allies will feature a Herald of Tzeentch, some Horrors, and a Soul Grinder, but I don't have any of these yet.
I'm attempting to get all this done before I get my grubby mitts on Dark Vengeance, which will add some awesome new models to my army and probably bump my Word Bearers up to 2000pts, not including the daemons.